Notes on Dreaming Big

Leena Soni
2 min readFeb 9, 2024

I shared these with a friend as 4 screenshots. :) But she said I should share it more as more people will relate, so I decided to publish it here. As they say, felt good, might delete it later.

For some of us, dreaming big and setting ambitious goals doesn’t come easy. It’s not that we don’t dream big or we don’t want to dream big. But it takes a lot from us, sometimes it feels nerve-wracking, we question whether we are even positioned to dream big, knowing everybody is allowed to dream.

“The one who does all the work in the group”, “the nerd doing the cool kids' job”, and “behind-the-scenes executers”, just being included feels like a big achievement.

And every achievement, even after a lot of hard work and giving it all, feels like a chance opportunity that we want to make the most of. In the process, we become less forgiving towards ourselves and sometimes settle for less than what we deserve.

There’s a lot of how the world labels this — “imposter syndrome”, “childhood experiences”, and “personality types”. And while all of these could be true, they shape us in ways beyond our imagination.

It’s not all that bad honestly. There’s some good in all this — the hard work, the resilience, the effort, small steps, and everything it leads to. All this always helps you get your foot in the door.

But you also need to fiercely take your chances to get a seat at the table. Recently someone helped me realize that dreaming big sometimes also means embracing vulnerability (and a LOT of emotional maturity).

And THAT takes courage.

Not every place embraces vulnerability, not everybody can embrace vulnerability. You need to find the right places, and the right people always.

It isn’t easy, takes a lot of trials, hard work, and resilience. But it will be worth it. Because that leads you to places… places where you can dream big effortlessly.



Leena Soni

Small things make me happy! I write about things I read, learn, my life and everything in between. Chasing my big dreams from small towns. 💫